Order / Buy Iodine Pills For Emergencies, Radiation Exposure, Fallout?

How Much Potassium Iodine To Have On Hand In Case Of Emergencies?

Buy / Order Potassium Iodide (Iodine) Tablets

In case of a nuclear accident or attack you should have at least 14 days of Potassium Iodine / Iodide for each member of the family. The Government issues FDA approved IOSAT Potassium Iodide (Iodine) pills to nuclear facilites and soldiers and in case of emergencies (radiation exposure, release, or fallout) In case of an emergency the government will issue IOSAT Potassium Iodine tablets to civilians.

The problem during an emergency is that it will take too long for the Government to get the pills to the people. Who wants to wait in long lines, when there is toxic radiation in the atmosphere? You can order FDA approved IOSAT Potassium Iodine online. You can also order Iodide drops, and capsule that aren't FDA approved but are a cheaper alternative to IOSAT. You must remember that cheaper alternatives to IOSAT means that they aren't FDA approved and are sold as "supplements". This means that they aren't regulated and you can't be positively sure you are getting what you are paying for.

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